Příležitost představit Pardubice „nově“ jinak než jako město perníku a Velké Pardubické jsme …a projekt Pardubice @ EXPO 2015, který se časově sešel s výročím Explosie 95 let a VŠ v Pardubicích dnes Fakulty chemicko-technologické 65 let a také s místem konání, spojeným se vznikem znaku Pardubic. Site specific program v Českém pavilonu na EXPO 2015 nabízí multižánrově a mezioborově vyprávěný příběh o Pardubicích tvořící dvě prolínají se linie a formy: Colours of Pardubice a Chemical Agents of EXPO2015.

Letak _ FIN_PCE_MILANO_email_ENG_03

Workshop Kreativita s RNDr. Michalem Gibodou, Ph.D


14. a 15. 2. 2014 se konal pod vedením RNDr. Michala Gibody, Ph.D. seminář a workshop na téma kreativita. Pan doktor Giboda je uznávaný parazitolog, ale ve svých workshopech se zaměřuje na kreativní myšlení.Workshop KREATIVITA se konal na fakultě Chemicko – technologické Univerzity Pardubice v učebně C4Program:::


>> Co je kreativita – poznejte zda jste kreativní a jak funguje týmová a individuální kreativita, čím se liší umění a věda? Vaše zvídavé dotazy bude zodpovídat Michal Giboda. 

>> Procházka Science Gallery GAMA 

Sobota: 9:00:-:17:00: Ozvěny konference Třetí kultura 

>> Vědecká a filosofická témata sdílená uměleckými prostředky malá inventura Třetí kultury, ukázky týmové tvorby, nanoPOLIS, Kalich hořkosti, zlatý řez, nanOpinion, chemik na baru, 

>> Na workshopu se zapojíte do týmové nebo individuální tvorby pod vedením dalších odborných lektorů


I instalation I objects I text instalation I

Opening exhibition – 29. 11. 2012.

29. 11. 2012 do 28. 2. 2013.

Adress : Faculty of Chemical technology, Univerzity of Pardubice, Studentská street 95, 532 10 Pardubice, Polabiny., www.utesla .cz

Opening hour:

Mondey – Fridey 8.00–19.00

We invite you :

>> 08. 01. 2013 od 16:30 – 21:00 lecture and a performance od P. Doskočil „ Psyché-délike “

Information : Lucie Farářová, mob +420 776 838 863.


Pavel Doskočil – Malá žranice, pozvánka

I instalace I objekty I textová instalace I
Otevření výstavy ve čtvrtek 29. 11. 2012.

Výstava je reflexí předchozích seminářů a zároveň inspirací pro workshopy projektu Idea Univerzity.

Záštitu převzal děkan FChT Univerzity Pardubice Petr Lošťák.
Výstava potrvá od 29. 11. 2012 do 28. 2. 2013.

Výstavní prostor GAMA: Fakulta chemicko – technologická Univerzity Pardubice, Studentská 95, 532 10 Pardubice, Polabiny., www.utesla .cz

Otevírací doba: Pondělí – pátek 8.00–19.00

Výstavní projekt GAMA realizuje Uskupení Tesla o.s. ve spolupráci s Fakultou chemicko technologickou Univerzity Pardubice.

Výstava vznikla za podpory: MKČR, FCHT UPa, SmPardubice, Rozhlas

Pavel Doskočil – Malá žranice, pozvánka

Doprovodný program:

>> 29. 11. 2012 od 14:00
Beseda s autorem a kurátorem výstavy „ Malá žranice “.
Přednášky : Na téma „Jídlo & Sex“ s historičkou umění M. Vítkovou a vědcem Danem Cvejnem. Pro studenty SŠ, VŠ a veřejnost.

Workshop: „Dualita fotoshopu je něco mezi slastí a kvantovou fyzikou“ s L. Farářovou v bistru FCHT UPa. Pro studenty SŠ.

>> 12. 12. 2012 od 8:30 a od 12:30 – ukázka vědecko-umělecké animace pro studenty středních škol.

>> 08. 01. 2013 od 16:30 – 21:00 přednáška a performance P. Doskočila „ Psyché-délike “ fenomén duše, vědomí, poznání, sebepoznání, změněné stavy vědomí,

Objednávka u Lucie Farářové, mob 776 838 863. Pro omezený počet účastníků. Více informací na

Exhibition “Before the Crash” at Exeter

The exhibition presents the use of new technologies such as 3D imaging, image analysis, rapid prototyping, computer simulation/modeling as the artistic concepts as well as the tools.  The art works span range of different forms such as drawing, prints, video, objects, installations, site specific art and new media.

The exhibited artists/artworks:

Ludwika Ogorzelec / „Breathing Cloud“, site specific sculpture at the Exeter Castle, UK, 2011

Mat Chivers / Mind over Matter / Narcissus and Janus – pencil stretched cotton voile, 2009, nylon sculpture, 2011

Pery Burge / Summer Shimmer, Summer / Bubblezig, Bubblezag / Apples and Bubbles – photos 2009-2011

Jo Golesworthy / Discrete Units – Homage to Gregor Mendel (1822 – 84) – sculptural objects

Paul Magee / I Still Have the Greatest Enthusiasm and Confidence in theMission- Crashed Version / Signal –

Sound Object, 2010, Sound Object, 2011

Paula Madden / „The Running Rabbit‟/„Corn Spirit as a Fox‟/ „Soft Sculptures‟ / „The Hare in the Moon pounds the Herb of Immortality‟ / „Sunflower Wings I & II‟ – (homage to Van Gogh) / „Let‟s Rock‟ – Black Ink Drawings on Paper, Woolen Object, Photographic Prints of of drawings and CT Scanns

Tim Oldham / „This is not a Pipe either after Magritte / Skeleton Bench / Onion containing test tube / Oak Bench – disintegrates T Table  – objects by Rapid Prototyping, 2011, photographic print

Deborah Robinson / Data unveiling piece – new media, 2 screen artwork

David Strang /

Christine Sawyer / Perwinkle Tapestry / Medicine Coat / Kill or Cure –  objects, textile, mixed materials

David Sawyer / From the Cube – installation wood and steel

John McDermott / Eden – painting

In the summer 2011 Simpleware organized several workshops on image analysis and rapidprototyping for selected artist. During the exhibition guided tours and seminars by artists and scientists were organized for students.

Exhibition ART AND SCIENCE, at the University of Zaragoza

The exhibition focuses on show casing new media technologies such as sonification, audio signal processing, image processing and motion capture analysis as well as the artistic inspiration by scientific measurements, calculations and theories.  The scientific themes included DNA analysis and protenomics, investigation of polymers and liquid crystals, distributed biocomputing or non Euclidean geometry.

The exhibited artists/artworks:

Santiago Latorre / HUMAN GENOME – new media, sonification

José Ramón Beltrán / VARIATIONS – new media, AV composition using image wavelet transformation

ARSTIC Audiovisual Solutions / KINETIC COMPOSITION – new media, motion capture interactive installation

Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) / IBERCIVIS – new media, sonification

Marcos Serrano / SPACE TIME – sculptures

José Luís Serrano / ART & LIQUID CRYSTALS – prints

Using QR codes and virtual gallery, the following artists were presented:

Matěj Smetana / CRYSTAL_ instructions – new media, animation

Linda Čihařová / GENERAL LANDSCAPES / CONCRETE CREW – mix media, interactive animation

Amanita Design / QUESTIONAUT – new media, point & click educational game

The accompanying program to the exhibition consisted of several guided tours and seminars for students that were organized throughout the course of the exhibitions.

Exhibition After the Crash Orto Botanico in Rome

The exhibition presents a large mosaic of artworks encompassing Bio tech art, art inspired by astronomy, meteorology, geology, nano-technologies, climate changes, cell renewal, the culture of science, medicine, scientific collections, biodiversity and conservation, ecological art , art dealing with link between science and politics.

The exhibited artists/artworks:

Justin Cooper / Serie ‘ Saved by Science ‘ ( photos and video )

Trevor Paglen / The Other Night Sky ( photos serie )

Ravi Agarwal / The Sewage Pond’s Memoir ( realize for the exhibition )

Damir Ocko / The Moon shall never take my Voice, HD video │ sound │ color │ 2010

Donato Piccolo / „I hope impluvium“ ( Installation – realize for the exhibition )

Emmanuelle Villard / Installations and paintings ( realize for the exhibition )

Francesco Patriarca / Migrations ( Installation – realize for the exhibition )

Wout Berger / Mixed series ( photography )

Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk / The Andromeda Strain ( photos )

Marek Kvetan & Richard Fajnor / Mister Bra ( new version for the exhibition ) Video Installation

Klaus Thymann / Diffraction limited portraiture and abstracts ( Installation of 26 photos – realize for the exhibition )

Gino De Dominicis / ‘ Autoritratto di Franco Rustichelli ‘ ( painting )

Steven Siegel / Biography ( Installation )

 The accompanying program to the exhibition consisted of several workshops and seminars for students, which were realized by participating artist and scientists at the opening of the exhibition.


A few photos from Thursday’s event held Tesla Union in the Faculty of Chemical Technology in Pardubice. Candidates who have taken part in the doc. Hippo and succeeded, then had a chance to ride by the depressed atractor, the mascot of Utesla festival. The promised pictures of lucky winners you can see below or here.Pár fotografií ze čtvrteční akce pořádané Uskupením Tesla v campusu FChT v Pardubicích. Zájemci kteří se zúčastnili soutěže prof. Hrocha a uspěli, měli poté možnost se svézt pokleslým atraktorem, maskotem festivalu Utesla. Slíbené foto šťastných výherců a výherkyň níže ke nahlédnutí a také zde.

Exhibition NanoSCOPE Redux

(26th May 2011 – December 2012, University of Pardubice)

The exhibition builds on the successful NanoSCOPE 2009 project (see Annex) focusing reflection of nanotechnology in art.  The exhibition takes place at Art gallery GAMA established directly within heart of S&T environs of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of theUniversityofPardubice.  With more than 3000 m2 of exhibition place it is the largest art gallery of its kind inCzechRepublic.  The choice of the environs of the Faculty of Chemical Technology allowed to emphasize themes linked to the local industrial tradition of industrial chemistry and chemical related research (such as paper, colorants, explosives), which at present cover also materials engineering and nanotechnology, to make the event more attractive for the target group.

NanoSCOPE Redux creates a set of “mini-galleries“ dedicated to each of the exhibiting artists in the inner and outer spaces of the faculty in which we work sensitively with a specific of the atmosphere and composition of the place.

The exhibited artists/artworks:

K. Gebauer / NANO-DWARFS / ANO-NANO – sculptures, textual installations, prints

V. Hajnová / PRINCIPLE OF ORDER – installations

P. Moško / ARTCHEMO – prints, manipulated photography

Č. Suška / SPHERES & CIRCLES / NANOTUBE / RUSTY NANO DESIGNS – objects and installations

L. Farářová / ONE WORLD ONE MOLECULE – object, prints

V. Doutlíková / THERMOPRINTS – collage

A. Lachman / PAROBOTS – prints, digital drawing and manipulated photography

L. Plíhal / EXPLOSITION 1 & 2– sculptural reliefs and objects

P. Kopřiva / NANOFACE, HIVOIM – video, prints, objects

I. Juzová / AROUND AND INSIDE US (S.Y.T.) – object

Amanita Design / QUESTIONAUT – point & click educational game

V. Psotková / NANOCOMPOSITION – object, photography

Z. Daněk / ACTIVE PAINTINGS – paintings

M. Hoza / CHEMICAL CONVERSION – prints, manipulated photography